West Africa Regional Fisheries Program

Cabo Verde

Guinea Bissau

PRAO Mauritania


Sierra Leone




Project ID:


Project Duration


Project Fund

Start Date (effectiveness) 

End of project


US$ 6 million (IDA credit)

28 Sept. 2011

31 Jun. 2016

To be extended

US$ 2million (GEF Grant)




Total: US$ 8 million




Project Development Objective for phase 1: to strengthen the capacity of guinea Bissau to govern and manage targeted fisheries, reduce illegal fishing and increase local value added to fish products.

Key Outcomes

  1. Improved Governance indicator: Territorial use rights fisheries (TURFs) legally established in targeted coastal fisheries by end of Phase I;
  2. Reduction of Illegal Fishing indicator: Reduction of fishing vessels observed by aerial/surface patrol or by radar and satellite monitoring, that are committing a serious infraction (i.e. fishing without a license, or fishing in a prohibited zone or using prohibited gear); and
  3. Increased Local Value Added indicator: Increase or stabilization in the volume of exports from targeted fisheries.

Key intermediate indicators:

Improved Governance

  • Clear principles and policies are established to increase the wealth from fisheries through strengthened rights and equitable allocation of these rights which balances economic efficiency and social benefits;
  • Percentage of small-scale fishing vessels in targeted fisheries that are registered by end of Phase I;
  • Number of communities that are allocated fishing rights;
  • Number of vessels reduced in targeted fisheries that are overexploited;

Reduced Illegal Fishing

  • Number of total patrol days at sea per year in targeted fisheries;
  • A satellite-based fishing vessel monitoring system (VMS) is in place and functioning by end of Phase I;

Increased Local Value-Added

  • Pilot integrated fish landing site clusters established by the Program and operating by end of Phase I; and
  • A sanitary authority is accredited for certification of exports to the European Union, in each country.

Component 1. Good Governance and Sustainable Management of the Fisheries

The objective of this component is to build the capacity of the Government and stakeholders to implement a shared approach that would ensure that the marine fish resources are used in a manner that is environmentally sustainable, socially fair and economically profitable.

Sub-component 1.1 Development of the capacity, Rules, Procedures and Practices for Good Governance of the Fisheries


  • Strengthening of Policy and Regulatory Framework for use of the Fish Resources
  • Review of the institutional arrangements needed to implement the National Strategic Plan and its medium-term goals, with a definition of the statutes and organogram of all the fisheries public administrations
  • Revision of aspects of the general fisheries law, incorporating updated regulations concerning industrial fisheries and artisanal fisheries, as well as including the special regimes for conservation areas, co-management arrangements, vessel monitoring systems, and fish inspection and quality control
  • Development of revised regulations for the industrial fisheries, MCS and Fish Inspection systems, including rules supporting the development and implementation of future fisheries management plans,
  • Assessment of the Biological and Economic Status of Key Fish Stocks (assessment of coastal shrimp, cephalopod and demersal fish stocks; training in data collection techniques at landing sites)
  • Preparation and maintenance of a bioeconomic model analysis for the coastal shrimp, cephalopod and demersal fisheries
  • Preparation of annual fisheries management plans (FMPs) for the coastal shrimp, cephalopod and demersal fish species, which define total allowable catches (TACs) and longer-term access rights, including an update of the existing FMPs
  • Development of tools at the community, national and regional level to ensure transparency and accessibility of basic fisheries management information for controlling access to the resources (Dashboard)
  • Establishment of vessel registry for the industrial and artisanal fisheries
  • Feasibility study for the nation-wide extension of pilot co-management partnerships for the small-scale fisheries.

Component 2.  Reduction of Illegal Fishing

This component aims to improve the fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) systems of participating countries and adapt them to the needs of fisheries management, within the framework of a coordinated approach between the participating countries

Sub-Component 2.1 Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) Systems 


  • Implementing sustainable surveillance systems (equipping the fisheries monitoring center to be managed by the autonomous Fisheries Surveillance Unit (FISCAP) that is linked to the Fisheries Secretariat, located in Bissau)
  • Equipping/operation of coastal surveillance stations (in Cacheu, Bubaque, Caravelha and Cacine)
  • Sea patrols (through the rehabilitation and/or operation of FISCAP’s 12 rapid response vessels for the inshore areas and the leasing of a larger surveillance vessel for offshore operations) and a satellite-based vessel monitoring system
  • Technical assistance and training of FISCAP staff to operate the systems, including harmonization and development of curriculum and training for fisheries inspectors and observers, as well as other personnel directly involved in fisheries surveillance operations
  • The center and the four coastal surveillance stations will be equipped with communications systems, a simple satellite-based vessel monitoring system (VMS)
  • Study to determine options for sustaining the operating costs of the MCS system over time, including government mechanisms.


Component 3. Increasing the Contribution of the Marine Fish Resources to the Local Economies

The objective of this component is to increase the benefits to West Africa from the marine fish resources, by increasing the share of the value-added captured in the region


  • Support to the establishment of the Fish Inspection and Quality Control Department (provision of the goods, laboratory equipment (and other), technical assistance and long-term training needed to establish a certified competent sanitary authority for the export of fish products to the European market, as well as more broadly the development of relevant protocols and standards for quality and traceability)
  • Assistance to the Fish Inspection and Quality Control Department in developing annual work plans and budgets
  • Enabling environment in order to obtain higher values from local fish products (training to improve product handling, processing/marketing, transport practices and sanitary measures, as well as maintenance of landing site equipment)
  • Training to understand how to access local commercial micro-finance opportunities in order to purchase fish preservation equipment (ice boxes, freezers) and to maintain their boats and fishing gear in good working order.


  • Component 4.  Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation and Program Management

The objective of this component is to support the countries to implement the Program in the context of the CSRP Strategic Action Plan, and to monitor and evaluate results.  

Sub-Component 4.1 National Implementation


  • Project Implementation Unit prepares annual work program, budget, update of the monitoring and evaluation indicators and procurement plan
  • Technical assistance for national implementation