Cabo Verde

Guinée Bissau

PRAO Mauritanie

Sierra Leone




ID du Projet : P106063



Durée du Projet


Project Fund

Start Date (effectiveness)  

End of projectt


US$ 6 million (IDA credit)

30 avril 2010

15 déc. 2014

Prolongé au 15 sept. 2016

US$ 2 million (GEF Grant)




Total: US$ 8 million




Project Development Objective for phase 1: to strengthen the capacity of Cabo Verde to govern and manage targeted fisheries, reduce illegal fishing and increase local value added to fish products.

Key Outcomes:

  1. Improved Governance indicator: Territorial use rights fisheries (TURFs) legally established in targeted coastal fisheries by end of Phase I;
  2. Reduction of Illegal Fishing indicator: Reduction of fishing vessels observed by aerial/surface patrol or by radar and satellite monitoring, that are committing a serious infraction (i.e. fishing without a license, or fishing in a prohibited zone or using prohibited gear); and
  3. Increased Local Value Added indicator: Increase or stabilization in the volume of exports from targeted fisheries.

Key intermediate indicators:

Improved Governance:

  • Clear principles and policies are established to increase the wealth from fisheries through strengthened rights and equitable allocation of these rights which balances economic efficiency and social benefits;
  • Percentage of small-scale fishing vessels in targeted fisheries that are registered by end of Phase I;
  • Number of communities that are allocated fishing rights;
  • Number of vessels reduced in targeted fisheries that are overexploited;

Reduced Illegal Fishing:

  • Number of total patrol days at sea per year in targeted fisheries;
  • A satellite-based fishing vessel monitoring system (VMS) is in place and functioning by end of Phase I;

Increased Local Value-Added:

  • Pilot integrated fish landing site clusters established by the Program and operating by end of Phase I; and
  • A sanitary authority is accredited for certification of exports to the European Union, in each country.

Component 1. Good Governance and Sustainable Management of the Fisheries

Sub-component 1.1 Development of the capacity, Rules, Procedures and Practices for Good Governance of the Fisheries          


  • Registration of all Fishing Vessels (Development of registration procedures, installation of a database for the vessel registry, training and data entry)
  • Assessment of the Status of Key Fish Stocks (regular biological and economic assessments of the state of targeted fish resources)
  • Transparency and Accessibility of Fisheries Management Information (National Dashboard)
  • Preparation and Implementation of revisions of existing Management Plans that set Levels of Sustainable Exploitation for Targeted Fisheries, and Create Rights and Allocation Mechanisms for those Fisheries

Sub-Component 1.2 Introduction of Fishing Rights


  • Introduction of Fishing Rights through a System of Co-Management that will evolve into pilot Territorial Use Rights Fishing (TURFs)
  • Establishment of community co-management associations to manage the TURFs

Sub-Component 1.3 Adjustment of Fishing Effort and Capacity to more Sustainable Levels, Introduction of Alternative Livelihoods where Needed


  • Transition of Small-Scale Fishers and Fish Processors to Alternative Livelihoods.
  • Promotion of small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) outside of the fisheries sector
  • Developing and implementing a package of support targeted to youth in fishing communities, training and technical assistance to develop alternative livelihood packages.


  • Strengthening coordination of MCS activities and an Integrated Approach to Surveillance (operational manuals, support to workshops and data exchange instruments)
  • Preparing a sustainable financing mechanism for fisheries surveillance operations
  • Recruit and training of fisheries inspectors and observers
  • Support surveillance patrol
  • Procuring goods and equipment for surveillance operations and support the operating costs of the satellite-based fishing vessel monitoring system (VMS)
  • Constructing two coastal surveillance stations in strategic points and conduct participatory surveillance operations with targeted communities
  • Implementing practices in conformity with international obligations such as Port State Measures

Component 3. Increasing the Contribution of the Marine Fish Resources to the Local Economies

Sub-Component 3.1 Fish Landing Site Clusters


  • Support a network of integrated fish landing site clusters at Santiago Port
  • Support to rehabilitate the electricity grid and water supply at the Praia port as well as goods and equipment for a fish auction hall Construction of landing site clusters

Component 4.  Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation and Program Management

Sub-Component 4.1 National Implementation


  • Project Implementation Unit prepares annual work program, budget, update of the monitoring and evaluation indicators and procurement plan
  • Technical assistance for national implementation

